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Abbey Baird is Director of OCC's Career Services Office. She's pictured in Coulter Hall with mannequins whose clothes are changed regularly to show students different ways to dress for success.
Abbey Baird is Director of OCC's Career Services Office. She's pictured in Coulter Hall with mannequins whose clothes are changed regularly to show students different ways to dress for success.

OCC's Career Services office is preparing for a big spring semester, supporting students as they pursue jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities. Career Services is working on three significant events:

  • Part Time Job Fair                   Monday, January 27              11am-1pm                  Gordon Great Room
  • Internship & Volunteer Fair      Wednesday, February 26      11am-12:30pm           Gordon Great Room
  • Career Fair                               Wednesday, April 22             10:30am-12:30pm      SRC Arena

The Career Services office can help students with resumes, cover letters, and provide professional dress to wear to job interviews through its Suited For Success career closet. "Before students attend any of the upcoming events it's important they prepare," said Abbey Baird, Director of the Career Services office. "We can help students be ready to make the most of their opportunity."

The Career Services office has scheduled a series of "drop in" events where students can receive assistance.

Career Services is located on the first floor of Coulter Hall in room C110.

Baird is this month's guest on our podcast, Higher Ed News You Can Use From Onondaga Community College. You can listen to the podcast at places like iTunes or wherever you download fine podcasts from by searching "Chatting About College."

Onondaga Community College
Career Services Office