English, Integrated Learning Studies and Communication Studies Student Support Services

The English, Integrated Learning Studies and Communication Studies Department provides support services available to all students:

  • The Learning Center.  Need help in a class? Stop by the Learning Center in the Gordon Student Center, Suite G202, today to learn more!

This week's events: 

Thurs. Aug 22  Adjunct and New Hire Orientation with Breakout Sessions


Next week's events:  


Events over remainder of the semester: 



The Purdue On-line Writing Lab

This is one of the best places on the web to access citation, grammar, and formatting rules. It also contains many great resources for writers. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/

Alan Cooper’s Homonym List

This page gives a list of most homonyms in the English language. It also contains a brief definition of each word. As many commonly confused and misspelled words are homonyms, this list can be an invaluable resource in proofreading.  http://www.cooper.com/alan/homonym_list.html

Literary Study

Dr. Wheeler’s Literary Terms and Definitions- This page contains an extensive glossary of literary terms. 


Creative Writing


American Film Institute

This is the website of one of the U.S.A.’s most important film organizations.  http://www.afi.com/

Rotten Tomatoes

This is a website that aggregates film reviews available on-line.  http://www.rottentomatoes.com/

Internet Movie Database

This database provides the basic information and plot summaries for the vast majority of films



      Be sure to use the ISBN or you might purchase the wrong edition

      Professor Dick Baggett 

      • English 104
        •  Arp, Thomas R. and Greg Johnson. Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense.(Note: you may use the 10th or 11th edition)
          •  11th ed. Boston: Thomson-Wadsworth, 2011.  ISBN Numbers: 11th edition: ISBN: 978-0-495-89796-5
          •  10th edition: ISBN: 13: 978-1-4130-3308-3; ISBN: 10: 1-4130-3308-3
        •  Lester, James D., and James D. Lester, Jr. The Essential Guide: Research Writing Across the Disciplines. 5th ed. New York: Pearson-Longman, 2011 ISBN Numbers: ISBN: 13: 978-0-205-76287-3 ISBN: 10: 0-205-76287-5

       Professor Michael O'Connor 

      • English 099 sections 013 and 019 
        • The Little Seagull Handbook by Richard Bullock and Francine Weinberg, ISBN 978-0-393-91151-0
        • The Merriam Webster Dictionary and ThesaurusISBN 978-0-877-79851-4   
      • English 103 sections 046, 052, and 801
        • The Little Seagull Handbook by Richard Bullock and Francine Weinberg, ISBN 978-0-393-91151-0
      • English 250 section 001
        • Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison, ISBN 0-452-26957-1
        • Donald Duk by Frank Chin, ISBN 0-918273-83-8
        • The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, ISBN 0-679-73477-5
        • Refuse by Elliot Deline, ISBN 978-1-477-66158-1
        • Paradise by Toni Morrison, ISBN 978-0-452-28039-7