Supporting Students - Kiana Williams


Kiana Williams is a 42-year-old single mother studying Humanities & Social Sciences, with a 3.8 GPA.  

“First I would just like to say Thank you to all those who were involved in the decision to award this scholarship to me. This scholarship will ease some of my financial issues I have, coming off the expensive holiday season. Between the holidays and rising cost of living, (gas, groceries, toiletries), I had taken to picking up OT to get caught back up. I was truly worried, how I would keep up with my 5 class semester, internship, my normal work schedule and extra hours needed to meet my son and my needs. This scholarship is a true blessing. My soon-to-be extremely busy schedule won’t be so busy because of the financial break I have been awarded. 

My educational plans include completing my associates in human services. I, ideally would like to transfer to Syracuse University, as a life long Syracuse resident, I have always loved the school. This new tract I am on is riddled with insecurities and self-doubt, but I want to get my Masters. To do the things I want to do personally I believe I’ll need a Masters to complete them. I have been working poor ever since I took over the reigns of my adulthood, so I’d really like to see what middle class living is like. I don’t want to worry excessively about not affording increases in rent, or food. I want to purchase a home in an nice neighborhood in the city. I want my son to be able to attend college, or whatever he choses to do with a financially stable parent supporting him through his early stages, in hopes that he is able to lift himself out of poverty. I want to be able to travel a few times a year, including internationally. I want to thrive instead of survive! 

With the extra/little time I will have, I plan to make sure I am well rested, and I will make sure my son is getting the love and support he needs from me. Sometimes it can be like we are two ships passing in the night, and while it’s functional and necessary at times, both him and I like a more active connection. This scholarship will assist in that. I can’t thank you enough.

I want to thank all individuals who poured over hundreds of applications. I imagine, its a heart wrenching and tedious pursuit to determine who is worthy or deserving, when in all reality I am sure all applicants are!! I thank you for your tireless effort and unconditional goodwill towards those trying to improve their lives Creating this fund to help ease the lives of young people striving to improve their lives and the lives of those in their direct community is a blessing. I can’t express enough, how much of a burden you’ve lifted off of my shoulders. The day I received the email informing me I had been awarded the scholarship, I instantly felt relief in my neck, shoulders and temples. I can’t thank you enough. Thank you again for you time, consideration and effort in maintaining this blessing of a reward.”