May 18, 2022
On Campus
Onondaga Community College honored outstanding students in each of its degree and certificate programs during the 2022 Curriculum Honors ceremony, The event was held May 4 in Storer Auditorium.
The following special awards were handed out to students:
Lillian Slutzker Honors College - Maxwell Kruth
- Max was active as a campus ambassador for the Honors College, a member of many student clubs, and he performed well academically. Max is transferring to SUNY Oswego where he will continue to work toward his goal of becoming a teacher.
Service Learning: Outstanding Service Learner - Adam Cox
- While taking the Fire Investigation II class, Adam accumulated over 33 hours of on-scene investigations as he worked with Onondaga County Fire Investigators to figure out the cause and origin of various fires and explosions. He assisted with the identification of four fires as being the result of arson.
Service Learning: Civic Engagement Recognition - Joshua Dobush
- During Dan's time in the Fire Investigation II class he assisted the Onondaga County Emergency Management's Fire Investigation Unit. He witnessed the prosecution of an arson case which was also a double homicide, and another arson which destroyed a two-family home and resulted in an arrest.