News Briefs
Celebrating 50 years serving Student Veterans are (L to R) U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Josh Jackson, OCC President Warren Hilton, Steve White of the Office of Veterans and Military Services, and Nancy Hazzard, OCC's first Coordinator of Veterans Affairs.
Celebrating 50 years serving Student Veterans are (L to R) U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Josh Jackson, OCC President Warren Hilton, Steve White of the Office of Veterans and Military Services, and Nancy Hazzard, OCC's first Coordinator of Veterans Affairs.

In August of 1974 Onondaga Community College hired Nancy Hazzard to be its first Coordinator of Veterans Affairs. On August 30, 2024, she returned to campus as the Office of Veterans and Military Services celebrated 50 years of serving Student Veterans. Leading the office now is Steve White. In recent years the office has repeatedly been nationally recognized as "Military Friendly" and "Best for Vets." "It's easy to be military friendly when you have the support we have on this campus," said White. "I always feel supported from the top on down."

White was speaking in the Office of Veterans and Military Services lounge on the second floor of Coulter Hall. Among those in the room was U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Josh Jackson. He's a native of the Syracuse area who spent a week in town as part of the annual Navy Week outreach effort. "Thank you for your legacy. It's so important we connect with our past. It's really an honor for me to meet you," said Rear Admiral Jackson. "What you all do in your service and what you do here is so incredible."

Jackson's campus visit included a tour of construction in the Whitney Applied Technology Center with OCC President Warren Hilton and Professor Mike Grieb, and a trip through the Gordon Student Center which included stops in the Counseling & Community Care Hub, the ESports Arena, and the Learning Center.

As part of the Navy Week festivities, the Navy Band Northeast Crosswinds Woodwind Quintet & Jack Tar Brass Band performed in front of a capacity crowd in the Recital Hall in the Academic II building.

OCC's Office of Veterans and Military Services supports military service members, veterans, and dependents, while guiding them toward their education goals.  OCC’s degree and certificate programs are approved for VA education benefits, in accordance with the student’s chapter eligibility. The office acts as a direct link between our students and the VA regional office, which includes handling VA benefit certification and payment inquiries.

Professor Mike Grieb (holding tablet) demonstrates robotics in the Whitney Applied Technology Center.
Professor Mike Grieb (holding tablet) held a robotics demonstration in the Whitney Applied Technology Center.
The Navy Band Northeast performed in the Recital Hall as part of Navy Week and the 50th anniversary celebration of OCC's Office of Veterans and Military Services.
The Navy Band Northeast performed in the Recital Hall as part of Navy Week and the 50th anniversary celebration of OCC's Office of Veterans and Military Services.


Onondaga Community College