On Campus
National Physical Therapy Month
Four students in OCC's Physical Therapist Assistant degree program just completed their second part-time clinical. They are (left to right) Kay Moses, Maggie Madden, Emily Altland, and Stephanie Scaia.

There was a time in the not-so-distant past that Dr. Cynthia Warner had three older family members in three different nursing homes, and each of them was being treated by one of her graduates. "It was so rewarding to see our former students out there. I've graduated more than 500 students and everywhere I go it seems I see one of them."

Dr. Warner is Program Coordinator for the Physical Therapist Assistant degree program at Onondaga Community College where she has taught since 1989. As she and her students celebrate October being National Physical Therapy Month, four of her current students have just completed their 2nd part-time clinical at St. Joseph's Hospital. Kay Moses, Stephanie Scaia, Maggie Madden, and Emily Altland are each in their third semester at OCC. Their first part-time clinicals were completed at area nursing homes.

Students do two part-time clinicals and two full-time clinicals before taking the national board exam. Once they successfully complete each of those they can work anywhere in the country. Congratulations to these four students and all of our Physical Therapists across the country!

Onondaga Community College
St. Joseph's Hospital