Employee Celebration 071 (1000px)
Employee Celebration 071 (1000px)
Two worlds collided when London Ladd met Jerome Ntakirutimana.

Ntakirutimana is the OCC student who gave Dr. Casey Crabill a drawing of Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr. and President Barack Obama that now adorns the walls of the President’s Suite. Ntakirutimana is an aspiring artist with an incredible passion for his work. Ladd is a 1995 graduate and an Alumni Faces honoree. He’s a nationally known illustrator whose latest work can be found in “Waiting for Pumpsie”.

Ladd and Ntakirutimana met on a beautiful and sunny afternoon in Ferrante Hall. The purpose: for Ladd to mentor Ntakirutimana on growing as an artist. The famous illustrator took time out of his busy schedule because he’s been in Ntakirutimana’s shoes and knows how hard it can be to find your way as an artist.
The two shared a bond immediately, talking about professors and projects they both did in OCC’s Art program.  Ladd pushed Ntakirutimana to think not only about ways to improve his artwork but also market himself marketable to potential employers. They chatted about things to explore to make it so every day Ntakirutimana could wake up and do what he loved. After a long and enjoyable session, the two parted ways having learned a little bit about themselves and each other.
London Ladd
Waiting for Pumpsie