Our Podcast
Shawn Edie
Shawn Edie is the Director of the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement. He oversees Student Government and many activities on campus.

This is a busy time of the year in the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement. Student Government representatives are working hard to get through the last few weeks of the semester. And Shawn Edie, who runs the office, is preparing for campus-wide elections which will produce a new class of student officers. Edie is always on the lookout for student officers and encourages anyone interested to visit his office on the first floor of the Gordon Student Center in G114.

On this edition of our podcast, "Chatting About College," Edie joins us to discuss the critical role Student Government plays on our campus and the great opportunities it presents students with. You can listen to "Chatting About College" at iTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts or wherever you download podcasts from.

Onondaga Community College