Our Podcast
Zach Snyder, Digital marketing Specialist
Zach Snyder oversees all of OCC's digital media channels. He's holding a device called an "osmo" which is used when shooting videos with a cell phone.

Social media has become one of the biggest, if not the biggest way, to send out messages to large audiences and communicate with them. Onondaga Community College has five social media channels; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tok Tok, and You Tube. Knowing how to use each platform properly requires an in-depth understanding of how they work and their specific audiences.

In the latest edition of our podcast, "Chatting About College," we discuss the ever-changing world of social media with Digital Marketing Specialist Zach Snyder who oversees all of OCC's social media channels. You can listen to "Chatting About College" at iTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts or wherever you download podcasts from.

Onondaga Community College