Student Spotlight
Sydney DeLosh
Sydney DeLosh is a P-TECH student who came to OCC from Pulaski High School. She will earn her Electrical Technology degree in December.

Sydney DeLosh is excited about the head start the P-TECH program has given her on her college education and career. "I just had an internship that pays $20 and hour. Kids my age are $30,000 or $40,000 in debt because of college. I feel like I'm so much further ahead."

P-TECH stands for Pathways in Technology Early College High School. It's a program that provides high school students the opportunity to work toward their high school diploma and associate degree simultaneously, and ultimately a pathway to an in-demand job.

DeLosh began considering P-TECH as an option when she heard older students discuss how much they enjoyed it. "They were telling me what they were doing and all of the hands-on stuff and I was like 'yes please!' I was super excited."

During her junior year at Pulaski High School she began taking classes on the Onondaga Community College campus in the Electrical Technology degree program. "It was a very big culture shock. You have more freedom and are able to do more. But you learn quickly about responsibility and time management."

DeLosh graduated from Pulaski High School in 2021 and became a full-time student at OCC. As she was gradating she was also beginning a paid internship as an electrical technician at Novelis, a steel mill in Oswego. "Working there gave me that hands-on experience. It showed me 'here's what school is teaching me and what I'm going to transition to when I go into industry. School is going to bring me into something I really enjoy.'"

DeLosh completed her internship in January and plans to do another one this summer. She will complete work toward her degree in December debt-free and on her way to a rewarding career. "P-TECH has given me the opportunity to do what I like to do. This is a good start to getting where I want to be."

Onondaga Community College
Pulaski High School