News Briefs
solar panels
OCC's solar array is located on the roof of the Whitney Applied Technology Center. The panels are used for educational purposes and reduce the College's greenhouse gas emissions while producing renewable energy.

Onondaga Community College has been named to the Princeton Review's 2019 Guide to Green Schools. The Princeton Review created the list based on sustainability-related policies, practices and programs. It's the second consecutive year the College has received this honor.

OCC's sustainability-related features recognized by the Princeton Review include:

  • The solar array on the roof of the Whitney Applied Technology Center which are used for hands-on educational purposes, reduce the college’s greenhouse gas emissions, and produce renewable energy.
  • The Academic II building and the SRC Arena and Events Center which are both LEED Gold certified.
  • The orchard in the northwest corner of the campus which contains cherry, pear, apple, peach, and plum trees.

OCC's efforts are led by Dr. Sean Vormwald. He is the College's Director of Sustainability and Environmental Health and Safety. “We’re really excited to be recognized again by the Princeton Review's Guide to Green Schools. This recognition demonstrates how much Onondaga Community College has accomplished in the area of sustainability. We’ve been working to integrate sustainability throughout the College’s operations, while utilizing the campus as a living laboratory to teach students about sustainability concepts and green technology. In addition to providing learning opportunities for students, many of Onondaga’s sustainability initiatives—such as energy management, renewable energy, and green building—also help reduce operating costs by using resources more efficiently.”

Onondaga Community College
Princeton Review