On Campus
Angel Gonzalez (left) was welcomed into the Phi Theta Kappa honor society by OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (right).
Angel Gonzalez (left) was one of nearly 200 students welcomed into the Phi Theta Kappa honor society by OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill (right).

The spring induction ceremony for Onondaga Community College's chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society always has a special feel to it. The event includes a recap of outstanding achievements during the academic year, recognition of milestones earned by current student members, news about chapter-wide honors, and the induction of new members.

The spring 2022 version, held March 29 in Storer Auditorium, was also the final one for OCC President Dr. Casey Crabill who will retire at the end of the academic year. She was presented with a Phi Theta Kappa blue stole by chapter co-presidents Caitlin Wiltsey and Katie Sullivan in recognition of a national PTK award she will receive next month. The Michael Bennett Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to Dr. Crabill for her many years of unwavering dedication to student success and mentorship of student leaders.

During the ceremony PTK Advisor Dr. Annie Tuttle provided a year in review for attendees which highlighted projects students worked on. She shared the news that OCC's PTK chapter had just been named the Most Distinguished chapter in all of New York State for the 5th year in a row. And next week at the international conference the leadership team will learn if OCC's PTK chapter is ranked in the top ten in the world for the fourth consecutive year.

The highlight of the night was the individual recognition of each of the new inductees. Nearly 200 students were welcomed into OCC's PTK chapter. Congratulations to all of the inductees!

spring 2022 PTK ceremony
Onondaga Community College
Phi Theta Kappa