On Campus
"something" in The Gallery
The latest Gallery show highlights the sculptures of Paul Maren and the paintings of Scott Brodie.

A two-artist show titled "something" is currently on display in The Gallery at the Ann Felton Center. It features the sculptures of Paul Mauren and the paintings of Scott Brodie. Both are long-time instructors from the Albany area whose work provides a refreshing challenge to concepts of abstraction and representation. Their artists' statements are about as different as two statements could possibly be.

"There is endless potential in assemblage and the creative process of inventing sculptures based on traditional fabrication methods. My sculptures are derived from a stockpile of found objects and raw materials that I have collected for decades. This selective inventory reflects my interest in the tension between natural phenomena, industry, and the effects of human intervention. Objects and parts consist of new materials and those with a previous history that evidence personal failures, insights, and moments of clarity. The finished constructions are the result of improvised and carefully considered strategies that become embedded in the visual language of the sculptures."   -Paul Maren

"Dust before vacuuming."   -Scott Brodie

The exhibit will remain open until April 9.

Onondaga Community College