News Briefs
PTK Virtual Meeting
PTK student Grace Norton (second from left) leads students through a virtual meeting on the 5-Star Competitive Edge program.

Leaders of Onondaga Community College’s award-winning chapter of international honor society Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) are doing their best to keep students connected and engaged during the coronavirus crisis. Between regular emails from PTK Coordinator Jackie Barstow and meetings conducted over the internet, students are continuing to get the most out of their PTK membership. “Our PTK Leadership Team Members have held several trainings over Zoom. They’ve also found creative ways for our College Project to continue in an online environment,” said Dr. Annie Tuttle, OCC’s PTK Faculty Advisor who is also PTK’s New York Regional Coordinator.

During the first week of April OCC sophomore Grace Norton, who is PTK’s co-vice president for leadership, led students through a virtual meeting about 5-Star Competitive Edge. The program provides scholars with professional development opportunities to enhance marketable skills which will make them more competitive for scholarships, transferring, and careers. PTK students who want to be part of the leadership team in the fall must complete the Competitive Edge program. “I find a lot of enjoyment in helping others excel at leadership. I’m trying to become a better leader myself. Having others by my side really helps. We can all learn about leadership together,” said Norton.

Future PTK Zoom events will give students the opportunity to discuss financial success with an expert from AmeriCU Credit Union. There will also be a panel discussion with College Alumni who will share stories about life after OCC and offer advice on how to make the transfer process easier. Also on the virtual calendar is a Mock Interview Madness contest during which students will experience mock job interviews and mock college transfer interviews.

One of the chapter’s biggest events of the year will happen next Wednesday night when it holds a virtual ceremony for spring semester PTK inductees. The event will mirror the traditional in-person ceremony with performances by faculty and students in OCC’s Music major, remarks from College President Dr. Casey Crabill, and an opportunity for inductees to learn more about the wonderful work student’s in OCC’s PTK chapter are doing. “We’re really looking forward to it. We can’t wait to celebrate each new member and our chapter’s amazing accomplishments,” said Dr. Tuttle.


Onondaga Community College
SUNY Phi Theta Kappa