News Briefs
Conversation with students about the semester
Students discuss how their semester has gone during a Zoom conversation: Alexis Riccardo (upper left), Lane Russell (lower left), and Dawn Penson (lower right). In the upper right is Roger Mirabito, OCC’s Executive Director of Communications.

What has this unusual semester been like for OCC students? We held a Zoom conversation with three of them to hear about the challenges of distance learning, how they are keeping their sanity, and even what shows they are streaming in their spare time. The students who participated in the conversation were:

  • Dawn Penson - Dawn is the Student Trustee, a Human Services major, and a mom.
  • Alexis Riccardo - Alexis is a member of Student Government, an Engineering Science major, and a mom.
  • Lane Russell - Lane is a 2018 graduate of West Genesee High School who will earn his degree in Electronic Media Communications in May.

A special thank you goes to Greg Endler, the Engineer in the Electronic Media Communications major who handled the technical side of setting up and recording our Zoom conversation.

You can listen to the podcast at places like iTunes or wherever you download fine podcasts from by searching "Chatting About College."

Onondaga Community College