On Campus

1. Trying to Do It Alone

Many students try to go through college without asking for help. We’re here for you so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Need help with schoolwork? Visit the Learning Center. Need someone to talk to? Visit our Counseling Center. OCC has many services to help you inside and outside the classroom so don’t be afraid to take advantage of them.

2. Not arriving early enough for your 1st class

There’s nothing worse than starting off on the wrong foot. Give yourself enough time to get to your first class so you’re there early. Trust us, if you make it to class earlier than your professor they’ll be impressed.

3. Not Getting Involved

You’ll enjoy college a lot more if you’re involved in a club, activity or job. It can be as simple as joining one of the many clubs OCC has to offer or becoming a student officer.

4. Pulling All-Nighters Too Frequently

Every college student pulls an all-nighter to finish a project at some point. But pulling these too often can make the quality of your work suffer. Professors know the difference between a project you did the night before and one you spent days on. So don’t make a habit of staying up until 4 a.m. working on assignments.

5. Assuming College is Like High School

It’s easy to think that college is going to be easier than high school. Many people don’t take their college experience seriously enough when they come to school the first time and pay the price. Take your college experience seriously, work hard and ask for help when needed. You’ll easily avoid this pitfall.

6. Skipping Class

It’s easy to think that skipping one class won’t matter much in your overall learning. Many college freshmen fall into this pattern. But it’s important to make sure you don’t so that you don’t fall behind on your learning. It will be hard and sometimes almost impossible to make up work if you skip more than one class.

Remember, we’re here to help. If you require assistance, a good place to start is Student Central. Call 315-498-2000, visit us during our regular hours of operation, or email occinfo@sunyocc.edu.

American Association of Community Colleges
Onondaga Community College