D20: Notification of Fire Safety Standards

Responsibility for Maintenance: Facilities; Students Rights, Responsibilities & Residence Life; Campus Safety & Security

I. Policy Statement  

Consistent with Onondaga Community College’s commitment to maintain a safe campus, the College shall provide written notification to students who reside in college-owned, operated, or controlled student housing a description of each facility’s fire safety systems including whether the housing is or is not equipped with a sprinkler system. Additionally, the College will provide written notification on how to access the annual campus Fire Safety Report.

II. Reason for Policy  

This policy is intended to promote a safe living environment for the College’s residential community and to comply with the provisions of applicable parts of New York State Education Law and the Jeanne Clery Act.

III. Applicability of the Policy  

This policy applies to all members of the College community.

IV. Related Documents  

  • 20 U.S.C. Section 1092(f) (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act)
  • Article 129-A of the New York State Education Law, Sec 6438
  • Kerry Rose Fore Sprinkler Notification Act (A. 5715-A/S.4180-B)
  • New York State Education Department Regulations, 8 N.Y.C.R.R. Parts 668.49     

V. Contacts  

SubjectOffice NameTitle or PositionTelephone NumberEmail/URL
Information about Fire Notification and Fire Prevention IssuesFacilitiesAssistant Director of Campus Facilities(315) 498-2179suarezs@sunyocc.edu
Questions About on-Campus HousingStudents Rights, Responsibilities & Residence LifeAssistant Dean of Students(315) 498-6067d.c.nemeth-neumann@sunyocc.edu 
Questions regarding Annual Campus Fire Safety ReportCampus Safety & SecurityDirector, Campus Safety & Security(315) 498-2478j.h.peckins@sunyocc.edu 

VI. Definitions  

On-Campus Student Housing FacilityFor the purposes of compliance with the Kerry Rose Act, students residing in any student housing facility that is owned, operated, or controlled by the institution are subject to the notification provisions of the act.
Fire Safety System  Any mechanism or system related to the detection of a fire, the warning resulting from a fire, or the control of a fire, including sprinkler systems, fire detection devices, stand-alone smoke alarms and fire doors or walls.

VII. Procedures  

The Facilities Department will forward a list of all Fire Safety Systems for student housing facilities as defined in section IV of this policy to the Director of Students Rights, Responsibilities & Residence Life no later than 60 days prior to the start of the academic year each fall or upon substantive change in any deployed fire suppression system for the applicable facilities.

The Director of Students Rights, Responsibilities & Residence Life will supply each student living in student housing as defined in section IV with a complete list of all Fire Safety Systems, including whether or not the facility has a sprinkler system, within fourteen days of that student’s occupancy.  Additionally, the Director of Students Rights, Responsibilities & Residence Life will provide these students with instructions for accessing the College’s annual fire safety report.    

VIII. Forms/Online Processes  

For a complete list of all On-Campus Student Housing Facilities and their Fire Safety Systems along with the Onondaga Community College Annual Security Report, contact Campus Safety and Security at (315) 498-2478 to obtain a copy. The list of all On-Campus Student Housing Facilities and their Fire Safety Systems can be found on the ResLife Policies & Tech Guides page. The Onondaga Community College Annual Security Report can be obtained on the Campus Safety and Security page.

 Approved by the OCC Board of Trustees June 17, 2014