Student Clubs

Try something new

Sharing what you love and believe in – whether it’s faith, social reform or even comic books – is a great way to enhance your studies and make long-lasting friendships. That's why Onondaga Community College offers a variety of clubs and organizations for you to get involved with. Covering academic, cultural, recreational, and religious interests, you'll be able to explore your interests, meet new people on campus, and develop your leadership skills.

Current Clubs

Club Name
Club Contact
American Sign Language Club    
Animal Conservation Club    
Anime Club    
Aspiring Academics Club    
Business Club    
ExTerra Mental Club    
Future Educators Club    
Lazers on the Spectrum    
Muslim Student Association Club    
Native American Club    
Pride Alliance     
Spanish Club   


TEC Club    
Turning Point USA    
Veterans & Military Services Club    



Can't find the right club? Start your own!
Joining a club is easy and makes life at OCC more rewarding, stimulating and most importantly, fun. You can even start your own club. Find other students who share your interests and stop by the SOLE Office in Gordon 114 or Shawn Edie to get started!