Connect with OCC

Connect with Admissions



Gordon Student Center


Mon-Fri, 8:30am – 4:30pm


(315) 498-2221

For info on our degree programs, support services, and how to succeed beyond OCC — choose from the options below and find out what OCC can do for you!

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Have questions or need help with the admissions process? 
Our Admissions Specialists are here to help! Visit Student Central in the Gordon Student Center, Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm and ask to see Admissions. Can't make it to campus? Give us a call at (315) 498-2221.

Upcoming Events

Scholastic Arts - Art in Whitney

Scholastic Arts
January 15 - February 28, Weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm

Local High Schools and Community Organizations are invited to visit campus to see the Scholastic Arts Show. CNY Students' artwork will be displayed throughout the Whitney Applied Technology Building. Looking to take a group of students to come and see the exhibit?

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Returning to OCC after a break?


Transferring In?

Have credits from another college?

Info Packet

Want to learn more about OCC?

mountains and sun


Exploring colleges in Upstate New York?

Don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for YOU!

Matt Massenzio
Matt Massenzio

Class of 2013
Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (315) 498-2508
Text: (315) 640-4142

Toni Jones, Admissions Specialist
Toni Jones

Class of 2016
Admissions Specialist
Phone: (315) 498-2723
Text: (315) 284-3321

Jessica Mitchell
Jessica Mitchell

Class of 2014
Returning Student Coordinator
Phone: (315) 498-2355
Text: (315) 640-3750