Instructing Family Members

A13: Instructing Family Members

Responsibility for Maintenance: Academic Affairs 

I. Policy Statement 

As potential conflicts of interest in the classroom can have negative effects on student learning for all students in the class, instructors and advisors at OCC should avoid potential conflicts of interest by refraining from teaching or advising family members.  Should circumstances require the teaching or advising of a family member, the situation must be disclosed in advance to the appropriate Department Chair(s) and the relevant Dean(s) so that the potential conflict of interest can be mitigated.

II. Reason for Policy 

To ensure that Onondaga Community College employees recognize potential conflicts of interests, disclose them as appropriate and protect themselves and the institution against the potential adverse consequences of such conflicts.

III. Applicability of the Policy 

This policy applies to all employees of Onondaga Community College.

IV. Related Documents 

V. Contacts 


Office Name

Title or Position

Telephone Number


Questions regarding Policy

Office of the Provost

Provost and Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs

(315) 498-7271  

VI. Definitions 

Conflict of Interest

Any actual or apparent conflict between individual interests and official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust. Perceived or potential conflicts of interests can be said to exist in situations where the Employee, the Employee’s family member or Employee’s close personal relation has financial interests, personal interests or professional associations with an individual, individuals, or outside organization, such that his or her activities within the College could appear to be biased against the College by that interest or relationship.


An employee’s spouse, domestic partners, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, or member of one’s household.

VII. Procedures 

If teaching or advising a relative is impossible to avoid because of graduation need, limited course options, or other compelling reason, the faculty person should immediately let their respective Chair and Dean, or other designee of the President, know of this potential conflict. In this notification they should make clear why this situation cannot be avoided and what will be done to mitigate any potential risk of differential treatment; for example, having another faculty member evaluate the student’s work relative to other students in the class and verifying the calculation of the final grade. 

Upon notification, the Dean, in consultation with the Chair, will review the request and make a determination as to whether other options are available and/or the plan is sufficient to mitigate potential conflicts of interest.

Notification of the decision is provided to the faculty member, and the student, in writing. 

If a request is denied, rationale must be provided as to why the decision was made. The faculty person would then have the right to appeal this decision to the Provost & Senior Vice President who will review the request, review the rationale for denial, and make a final determination as to whether or not approve the request. 


Approved by the OCC Board of Trustees December 3, 2024