Tips for Contacting an Agency to Set Up a Service-Learning Experience

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Student meeting with Agency Professional

It may take several calls or exchanged messages to initially connect with an agency.

Each agency has their own volunteer application process which may include health clearances and background checks. If that’s the case, expect that it will take at least 2 weeks to be cleared once you’ve met with an agency and have submitted all required forms (e.g. Placement Agreement, Hour Verification, and Student Assessment forms...). It is imperative that you begin contacting an agency to meet with them as soon as possible so you can get through the clearances and begin your hours by the 5th week of the semester in order to be successful.

Contact an Agency by Phone or Email


  1. Your name
  2. Mention you’re an OCC student
  3. Mention you’d like to do 10-15 service-learning hours with their program (specify the program)
  4. If you submitted an online application — tell them you did
  5. If you have a paper application already filled out — scan and email it to them in your initial email
  6. Let them know how to get back to you
  7. Mention all the days/times you’re available to meet with them to get set up and to volunteer

Example: My name is __________.  I am a student at Onondaga Community College.  I have ______ hours of community service to complete this semester as part of my service learning course and I was hoping to set up an appointment to meet with you to discuss service options available at your site. [If you submitted an application online or attached it, tell them that.] I am available to meet with you on (days & times you are available). Please contact me by phone at ________ or by email at _______ to set up an appointment.  I am looking forward to meeting with you.

If you Call & Leave a Message, Also Send an Email

Typically agencies will get back to you sooner by email than by phone. If you don't hear back in a few days, contact them again to check in. Once you have an appointment scheduled with an agency you should commit to that agency for all of your service hours.


Be sure to watch the SERVICE LEARNING ORIENTATION on Brightspace and submit the quiz before beginning your service hours.