Employee Updates
Dr. Sean Vormwald with students on the roof of the Whitney Applied Technology Center
Dr. Sean Vormwald shows students how the solar array works on the roof of the Whitney Applied Technology center.

Dr. Sean Vormwald has had a very rewarding year. Vormwald is OCC's Director of Sustainability and Environmental Health and Safety. In May he received his Ph.D. from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. While completing his dissertation he authored, "Demystifying Sustainability Behaviors on College and University Campuses: A Mixed Method Analysis." Vormwald focused on how higher education institutions could encourage members of the campus community to engage in sustainability-related behaviors. His work was submitted to the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).

In September Vormwald learned he was a recipient of AASHE's Sustainability Award for outstanding achievement and progress toward sustainability. He was one of only 11 winners out of 350 submissions. "I really enjoyed the experience of completing my dissertation research," said Vormwald. "It allowed me to delve more deeply into a subject area I'm passionate about. I hope it offers some useful insights to sustainability practitioners. I have a lot of respect for AASHE and I'm honored my research was selected for this award."

Congratulations Dr. Sean Vormwald!

Sean Vormwald, Ph.D.
Dr. Sean Vormwald


Onondaga Community College