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Shawn Weimann 027 (1000px)
Shawn Weimann 027 (1000px)
For Shawn Wiemann, the cornerstone of his life is the cornerstone of the entire college: education and community. They both run in his blood. Many members of Wiemann’s family are educators. Growing up he shared a strong bond with both his family and his childhood community in Springville, New York. It’s all lead up to what he calls the perfect position as an associate professor at OCC.
As a professor of the social sciences, Wiemann is focused on how to bring communities and people together for education and learning. It’s what attracted him to the social sciences at the start. “Bringing people to the table to talk with each other is one of the most important things to me,” Wiemann says. “Only through education and bringing people together can we solve some of the embedded social problems.” As a history professor specializing in Native American studies, it’s a message he always makes sure to impart on his students.
Chloe Hoffman, a recent graduate from OCC, has taken many courses with Wiemann over the years. “Dr. Wiemann is one of a select few teachers and professors that I have had that are heavily involved in his students' work and success. You can tell he truly has a passion for bringing people together and solving social problems through education.”
Wiemann has education to thank for his personal successes in life as well. Growing up, his family didn’t have enough resources to pay for a private education. Instead, Wiemann chose the more affordable option at SUNY Geneseo. Earning his bachelor’s degree through SUNY made Wiemann a strong advocate for public education. “Education is the great equalizing force. It allows everyone, no matter what background they came from, a chance to succeed and thrive when you earn it.”
Shawn Wiemann is an associate professor in the Native American Studies program at OCC. He has served on the Welcome Onondaga Committee and is currently a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Council, the Honors Committee, the Middle States Steering Committee, and serves as a representative in the OCC Faculty Senate. Wiemann is also proud of his random string of celebrity encounters which includes Alice Cooper, Josh Whedon and Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons.