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A Community Education Blog


Do you want to buy a house? Save for your college education or for your child’s? Do you dream of a retirement filled with trips and zero worries about money? Financial literacy is more than just having a savings account, and we want to help give you a leg up on your finances.  

You may have been exposed to basic financial literacy subjects in high school, but whether that was a year ago or 10 years ago, you may not remember much or have gotten the full scope. Let’s explore 3 major financial literacy topics together.  

Investing Successfully 
Americans today are investing a record-low percentage of their income. At the same time, we still have goals of affording a home, funding education and retirement, or just being prepared for different scenarios. Even if you wanted to begin investing, you may not know where to start. Critical concepts you should focus on are understanding the market, the top problems facing most investors, and mutual funds, annuities, and IRAs. We’ll be having a session on these topics and more at OCC @ Liverpool on November 11th, 2020. If you can’t make it, reach out to us.  

Marriage and Money 
Everyone enjoys the honeymoon, but what happens when the bills start? Money can be a huge stressor on relationships; TD Ameritrade notes that it is in the top 3 reasons couples divorce at 22%. The best thing you can do? Talk it out and make a plan. Discuss things that will impact you both, from debt to unexpected medical bills. Work on a savings plan together. Don’t know where to start that discussion? We’ll be hosting a session where we can help coach you through making your financial strategy together.  

Investing at Retirement 
Are you one of the more than 82 million people in the U.S. that will be entering retirement over the next few years? Whether you plan on retiring in a couple months or a couple years, it’s important to check that you are on track to have a blissful, secure retirement. Focus on learning about the advantages of distribution planning. If you need help making sense of this or want to learn more about investing for and during retirement, just join this special session on December 2, 2020 at OCC @ Liverpool. 

Learning financial literacy can help you be prepared for the many different situations life throws at you. We want you to feel confident when talking about money or preparing for the big purchases and events in life. See the complete list of our sessions below and sign up for one! 



Financial Literacy Series at OCC @ Liverpool 6 - 8 PM
Investing Success 11/11/2020
Marriage and Money 11/18/2020
Investing at Retirement 12/2/2020