Transfer Fair! Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 11:30am-1:30pm Gordon Great Room.
Meet with 40+ transfer institutions and learn about continuing your education after OCC!
76% of our students transfer to a 4-year institution after attending OCC. Our formal agreements guarantee your college credits transfer with you!

Browse by OCC degree
Find the OCC degree program you're most interested in and see a list of transfer agreements we have for that degree. Program-to-Program transfer agreements tend to be very precise about which classes you need to take at OCC to maximize your credit transfer. Be sure to read the specific requirements of the transfer agreement you choose to pursue.

Browse by 4-year school
OCC maintains relationships with several 4-year institutions and we are always adding more. Of course, students can, and do, transfer to colleges without transfer agreements. Contact one of our transfer advisors to discuss your situation and we can help get you to where you want to be.
Partnerships with Historically Black Colleges & Universities
OCC is partnering with HBCUs to create opportunities for seamless transfer to a bachelor’s degree! These partnerships provide a pathway to nationally ranked universities that value diversity and inclusion.

Browse by Dual Admission
Dual or Joint Admission agreements are where you apply for admission to both schools as a Freshman and complete the first two years of your coursework at OCC. Then you carry on at the 4-year school as a Junior with guaranteed acceptance and full credit transfer.
Dual admission agreements are for full-time students planning to pursue a bachelor's degree, who have already chosen both a major and a specific transfer school. Applicants must have strong academic records, including Regent's English, Social Studies, Science and Math. Students who transfer credits from another institution are not eligible for any of our dual admission agreements. Upon successful completion of the OCC degree, having met all conditions of the dual admission agreement, students are guaranteed acceptance at the 4-year college.
Transfer Advising
Each of Onondaga's 4 schools provides the following transfer services and resources to help students with the process of researching, planning, selecting and applying to colleges and universities.
- Resources to research and apply to transfer schools
- Help with selecting the right courses at OCC that will transfer to your chosen 4 year school
- Transfer Workshops and Information Sessions
- Advisor in Residence (transfer recruiter visits at OCC)
Transfer Services can guide you through the transfer process.
If you transferred to a 4-year from OCC before graduating, you can transfer coursework back to OCC after receiving your Bachelors to complete your associates degree.
Visit our webpage on Reverse Transferring to learn more!