American Sign Language A.S.

Explore the language and culture

Gain skills in American Sign Language (ASL) and learn about the deaf community, all with the support of both deaf and non-deaf instructors. 

This program includes 450 hours of language and cultural training from introductory courses through advanced levels. You'll also take pre-interpreting courses and have the option of taking electives such as ASL Literature and Film, Deafhood: Moving Beyond Deaf Culture, and more. 

ASL instructors at an immersion event
Program Type
Transfer Program,
2 Years

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Where you'll go

This program is designed to transfer! Students use their skills as interpreters, advocates, and well-rounded and flexible communicators. 

Transfer Paths

4-year School Bachelor's Degree
Lincoln University General Agreement
Johnson C. Smith University General Agreement
Syracuse University Syracuse University's Whitman School of Management, B.S.
Dillard University
Medgar Evers College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Supporting you every step of the way!

Tap into a network of free support services that go far beyond the classroom.

Don't forget your financial aid!

You can save thousands by starting your education here — especially when you compare OCC with traditional 4-year colleges.  And that's not all!  Our Financial Aid specialists can help you navigate the process of getting free aid to help pay for your education.

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