Summer scholarship recipients include (left to right): Deynaba Farah, Ashley Claris, Tam Nguyen, Raul Ceballos and Ghan Timsina.  Claris received the Learn As You Grow Summer Scholarship, the others received the National Grid Summer Incentive Scholarship.
Summer scholarship recipients include (left to right): Deynaba Farah, Ashley Claris, Tam Nguyen, Raul Ceballos and Ghan Timsina. Claris received the Learn As You Grow Summer Scholarship, the others received the National Grid Summer Incentive Scholarship.
The OCC Foundation is proud to announce that a record 30 scholarships were awarded to students enrolled in classes this past summer. With limited financial aid available during the summer session, the need for summer funding is an important one. To support this important initiative, National Grid provided  OCC with generous funding and Kevin & Kathleen LaGrow, owners and operators of Learn As You Grow Child Care Centers, established a new summer scholarship endowment. Kathleen LaGrow is a 1979 graduate of OCC. These generous contributions have made an immediate impact on our students, and we cannot thank National Grid and the LaGrow's enough for their incredible, ongoing support. Our students are equally grateful:
“I am very thankful to National Grid for providing my summer scholarship. With your support I was able to take summer classes and plan to graduate in 2015.”-Ngun Lian, National Grid Summer Scholarship recipient
“The National Grid summer scholarship has lightened my financial burden. I hope to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. Thank you!”-Tam Nguyen, National Grid Summer Scholarship recipient
“I want to thank you for the scholarship you provided me for my summer classes. Without it, I would not have had enough funds to attend. As an immigrant student who is still learning the language, I am working hard to overcome these challenges and secure my future. Once again thank you for your help!”-Ghan Timsina, Learn as You Grow Summer Scholarship recipient
“I am grateful for everyone involved with the OCC Foundation and the Learn as You Grow scholarship. The funding has enabled me to take time off from work this summer to focus on school and other resume- building activities. It has taken a large amount of stress out of my life!”-Kiirsten Amisano, Learn as You Grow Summer Scholarship recipient
If you would like to help ensure summer scholarships are available for future students, please visit here or contact the OCC Foundation at (315) 498-6060.
Learn As You Grow Child Care Center
National Grid
Onondaga Community College