The OCC Foundation held its first "Topics on Tap" forum on the night of March 7, kicking off the series with a panel discussion titled, "Building the Future: Construction and Architecture in the Growing CNY Landscape."
"We have some of the most exciting times coming. I don't think we've ever seen anything on this level of construction and design that will be required. OCC is here to help face that challenge," said OCC Architectural Design and Construction Management Professor Lauren Staniec. She was joined on the panel by Andrew Schuster, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, Principal at Ashley McGraw Architects, and Andy Breuer, President of Hueber Breuer Construction.
The topic for the initial forum was the building boom coming to the region with the Interstate 81 project, the arrival of Micron, and the related need for more housing, hotels, and everything that comes with rapid growth. The panel discussion was hosted by Glenn LaPoint '16 who is also known as Gomez on radio station WTKW, TK-99.
Topics on Tap was sponsored by Ashley McGraw Architects, Hueber Breuer, and the Marriott Syracuse Downtown which also hosted the event. The hotel, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, is owned by OCC Alumnus Ed Riley '75.
Special thanks to the television stations of CNY Central which covered the event. You can view multimedia journalist Dale Ostrander's story by clicking on this link.
The next Topics on Tap networking and panel discussion will focus on health care in the region. It will be held May 30, also at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown. More information is available by contacting the OCC Foundation at occfoundation@sunyocc.edu or 315.498.6060.